Privacy Policy

What information do I collect about you and how do I collect it?I collect personal identifying information about you like name, address, date of birth; and I also collect details about your medical history. This is done through a new client intake form when you visit the clinic for your first treatment. Why do I collect this information? This is so I can provide the best possible service to you - tailoring the treatment to suit your body and your proclivities. What do I do with this information? This data is kept only by me and is not shared with any third party or marketing group. I will use this data to make informed decisions in my treatment of you, or with your consent to send you periodic educational information. In the event of a legal claim, client data may be requested by my insurance company. Where is this information stored? All patient data is stored in a secure location on paper in my clinic space, and personal identifying information (Name, phone and email) are stored within a secure practice management software that I use to manage my appointments. What right to do I have to store your personal information? I have a legitimate interest in your health, and this is the legal basis on which I am allowed to store your personal information. How long do I keep your personal information? My insurance company requires me to keep all client information for 5 years in case of a claim. If you wish for your personal information to be erased from my records, please contact me via email. 
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